About Physical Therapy

When to contact a physical therapist:

  • If you suspect Duchenne muscular dystrophy but your physician is unsure or states that it is too soon to tell.
  • Your son has just been diagnosed and you do not know what to do first.
  • You have been told by a physician or other parents that you need to be doing stretches.
  • You learned the stretches online or by word of mouth and need to check that they are being done correctly.
  • Your son needs night splints for his ankles.
  • There has been a change in his condition, strength, function, pain or flexibility even if the change is minor.
  • When adaptive equipment is needed for mobility and to ease daily activities.

How Will Physical Therapy Help?

Here are a few of the many benefits to having a physical therapist on your son’s care team.

Parent Education– get quick, easy to understand real world answers to the questions that come up. If I can’t answer them I will find someone who can.

Stretching Program– an individualized stretching program based on your son’s specific needs, each client is unique. Daily stretching helps to maintain his function longer. Physical therapy ensures that you are doing the stretches correctly to get maximum benefit from them. Pictures, handouts and materials to make the daily home program easy and successful will be provided.

Custom Night Splints– nightly use of ankle splints which are fit specifically to your son will help to maintain ankle mobility and his ability to walk. Custom splints offer more comfort and give more effective positioning at night.

Equipment Recommendations– a knowledgeable resource for appropriate equipment for boys with the specific needs of Duchenne. Consulting for fitting equipment to reduce muscle, joint or cardiopulmonary stresses caused by poor fitting equipment; ie. chairs, scooters, workstations and wheelchairs etc.

Energy Conservation– alternative activities and positioning are taught so muscle energy is efficient thus reducing the damage to the muscle cells.

Consulting Services– a resource to educate family members, teachers, caregivers, swim instructors, P.E. teachers and others on Duchenne, and see that adaptations be made to reduce potentially harmful activities in all settings. When needed I will perform school site evaluations and attend IEP meetings.

Ongoing Monitoring– gives you access to a health care professional who is familiar with your son’s condition and oversees the current daily activities and his stretching program. Your son’s physical therapist will be able to detect minor changes in his condition before they become detrimental.

Duchenne Therapy Network is dedicated to continuing education about Duchenne muscular dystrophy

DTN Classes

A physical therapist is an essential component of each boy’s care team and it is crucial to contact a physical therapist with extensive training and experience to meet the needs of boys with Duchenne. Not all physical therapists have the skills required to assist these children. Duchenne is a unique diagnosis and requires specific knowledge relating to it.